Where Has The TIme Gone?

Time is a fickle thing.  It passes super slowly sometimes.  And other times, it passes in the speed of light, whizzing by.  Somehow, that has been the last few months here on the Pond.  We had family visit from Texas for a week this summer.  We have had a 10 day relocation for lead abatement, Papa Frog was in the hospital with a blood infection for almost a week, and then just general craziness of life.  Birthdays have passed us by, and Halloween is a memory.  I keep meaning to pick up the blog and then find myself lost as to how to account for the missing time.  There is no way to recount it all.  So, we will call this time lost.  Even though, it is not lost, not truly, just lost to the annals of remembrance.

There is so much coming up that looking backwards seems pointless.  Lizard Breath is getting her new braces on Friday.  Papa Frog poises on the precipice of finding new employment, after his recent hospitalization has reinforced the need for a job with stability and benefits.  The Boy is cruising up on his 5th birthday and Baby E would have been 11 this Christmas season.  The business over at Greybriar Hollow continues to grow and bless our family in ways we would never have dreamed.

So enjoy this look back as we begin the task of looking forward.

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